expectant .

Name: PhiLiP YaP()
Age: 18 years old
Date of Birth: SEPT91990
Horoscope Sign: Virgo

NOT the Prince Philip thou.
But y not? I hail from planet Earth on o9sep1990, my friends are from Mars and Venus. We live happy ever after on Earth, in Singapore.
North South East West.

i'm not veri normal. BUT, crazy enuff to enjoy my LIFE to the FULLEST =)


NICE GOOD TAN. sports, slack? LAME cold jokes. something TASTY. blah blah blah. ask me?


whispery .

past .

March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009

adieu .

JanICe cHua
Chu erN
Su erN
zhi yun
wei liang
ya hui
Li ting

BlastIng stereOs

thanks .

01 02
Image: 03
Hosts: 04 05 06 07
Brushes: 08 07 09 10 11
Fonts: 12

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
3:52 PM

ahh..i passed BM..
im now a qualified life saver = i can work part time lifeguard!!!
haiz not much joy felt..coz wasnt reli my 'own effort'
ahya nvm..
LOL i ponned bball trainin today
back pain -.-

tml is steamboat day..HOPEFULLY ANN ANN IS GOING..
GEEee..GRgh!! RAHHh..
i tink im turnin gayer as the days goes..
wats happenin?!! AHh.. soya soil...
LOL !!

Sunday, January 27, 2008
finally its over =D
4:54 PM

HAh..i took my bronze medallion test today..
1)water works 2)CPR 3) theory
i was lik damn scared la..coz i didnt practice n study enuf,obviously?! LOL
thks to mr seng man! he seriously help mi alot...the Q were frm the papers he gave me..
coz he kinda test us..the tester didnt come so it was alitte mre slack..
gosh NTU ppl were playin water polo..thn got fight..n a guy called e police -.-
he still act like ya ya papaya..coz he called
the police =.=
SERIOUSLY hope i can pass man! coz its was like ..
1of the item was clothing tow..i plunged in n my shirt dropped halfway!!it was damn ZZzzz...
i looked like drowning instead..it killed mi man..
my timin was 3.09..the 'deadline' was 3.15..wtf
my partner got 2.33 la..OMG ..GRrr..
if i pass thn all s well..else 40bucks gone n i got to retake..
pay of a lifeguard s cool =D
ZZzz i gotta do hw now =(

Saturday, January 26, 2008
12:30 AM

12:05 AM

guess wat..e stuffs tt i jus typed got deleted n im now retyping..crap =( @^%#

haiz..smths damn wrong with my MIO wireless box,my 2 laptops jus cant get connected to e net man!

class gathering instead of classs outing coz we gathered at steph s house?
its less thn 10mins busride frm my house, n yup i was e first to reach la..
but being 1st isnt tt good after all, coz i had to follow her to fetch the rest -.-
samuel outfit was the most formal of all n i guess the warmest of all too..
played ard w their bikes n kept eating like a pig =)
i reli sux in guitar mania man,but i did improve la..
daph s reli zia ..
audrey n tiff were lik damn high, touchin each other ,which was lik damn wrong??
endured less thn half of sawIII n i cmi ..
all in all.. seriously kudos n thks to steph for being a good host, and sry for the mess created =)

steamboat buffet s comin up =D
congrats to 34 classmates n others who had done well for Os..n those who didnt do as good,at least e hurdle is passed=) relief!!!
oh ya audrey saw my older posts n was like not reli herself..oh fine

24jan results for Os is out..so fast -.-
haiz.. imgaine 1 yr has past n its nw their turn..
thks to the j1 s..i got a break today n tml..haiz..
Hmm is da papers easy or wat???
coz I hear so many ppl doin well la..
frm 7pts to 12 onwards..hah..
My cousin got 14..lookin at various ppl s reults ,
n lookin at my 15..i feel damn inferior man..oh wells..Hmm..

WedYest was kinda so so..trainin n got scolded..damn du lan..
i act abit..damn slack..
i hop off to cantenn drink milk ..
HAHA..enough is enough..
boon got pist n GL abit too..
Tues..supposedly a long day in sch..but daph n i ponned..
to JJC =DLOL..met up w weijun at 6.15 to catch train..damn early man..imgine I was in jj-.- tired..
thks to daph i got to wait for her as she s late..
hid in the toilet
i shitted anws..HAHA

saw old pri sch mate tan bee ping..WJ good fren LOL
she lend mi her orientation 07 M sized tee..
went to lib wanting to do work but invain..
shifted to canteen to eat =)

crashed chunkit s class..the ppl were kinda crazy ..
i acted as another guy who happen to not come tt day but he came -.-
almost got exposed by da econs teacher..HAHA..
damn jokers ..
ther was 1 guy tt went.. :
spider was on e floor n e classs gals were kinda afraid..he stood up.
wantin to kill it..teacher asked him sit down..
he replied : if dun kill,later kana bite become spiderman,shoot web here n ther..
later shoot yr mouth,u cannot teach..
oh sry sry..shoot my own mouth..
omg DAMN LOL..

saw daph ex ex ..who was kinda GL..
as i was walkin w her,he stared at mi..
thn he pt to his fren sae i poser wear j2 shirt..
i was like ZZzz..i diaoz him until he left..
daph was like dun bother abt him..
else he gg le..
watever la..crapz..

so yup tt abt all..
till thn =D

Sunday, January 20, 2008
9:45 AM

wOOSh..sunday morning..grr its gona b monday morning soon...
kinda dreading it thou..
yest maths tuition was da first time i was kinda reli doin work..haiz..i damn badd...wasting money..but..
off to sentosa...
supposed to b a IG28 outing ..but HAHA..
kat cheng sherrie Qing nigel yahui me and elton frm 29..LOL..
Oh my..y lidat 1..always..
perhaps we arnt tight enuf..oh wells..i hav done my part by coming =)
n yah..guess wat? kinda the whole j1 frm JJC is ere havin a outing too..
LOL..power..n some of the ACJC ppls..
IG 29 was there too..

n man..i saw like so many ppl tt day la...wat the ..HAHA..
yahui n em were like sayin ..eh sentosa yr territory ah?!
hah,i was like nooo..
LOL..ok saw sheldon,jane,zhi hao, samuel.. woa all frm pri sch..long long time ago..oh my..HAHA..
thn jean mosses...hmm oh n zenji n his gym frens..everytime i go gym i will see them..but made frens w them today ah..so yup..

if im not wrong tat was abt it ..haha..i tink it was quite a number thou..
HAHA.. the sun was on and off ..i was like prayin for the sun while cheng was lik wantin da rain..
i was like being scolded retarded n small kid by her la.. but i tink she is wat she calls mi too =P LOL..
okok.. fine EVERY1 calls mi a kid..t34 too..oh wells ...dun b jealous la..
t34 needs a proper outing too..

ya n on fri..had a laughin spree at cine..got video-ed by my class beng..LOL.. i was damn dumb..
n i gl audrey..she was like..LOL..sry ah..

GRrr me being so indecisive,my cca is still having problems..oh wells im givin myself problem la...
haiz..jus bear w tt bitch man!!! AgRH...HAHHAHAHA..

im plannin to pon sch on tues n crashin JJ w daphne=)
hope it comes true =P HAHA...

sianzz... i will upload da photos soon.. so lazy ..bleah..

Sunday, January 13, 2008
5:21 PM

hmm...my red shoes arnt allowed in sch..
haiz wat the cock...
i wore whole of last yr..
NVM,guess got to save up thn..
checked queensway SC..no mre adidas sambal watever u spell it. -.-

went to NTU for last trainin b4 my BM exam on 27jan..haiz..
lik usual,i did my theory paper TODAY ..which was given 3 weeks ago..
had warnin last week thou..
ck was like complainin he had no time jus nw..LOL,sry ah..
LOST my way in NTU, WITH a map -.-
how dumb can i be.. HAHA..

CPR, swim
hmm 8laps in 9.36 min
so is tt suppose to b avg or bad..haiz i dun0..
lame video, n game over =)

GRrr..now wat cca shld i go for now?
swimming? hockey? fitness club(so i can save money on gym?=.=) volleyball??
or jus stay back in BBALL?
be humble n swallow yr pride,bear da shit trainings n jiao lian???

can some1 or some ppl jus tell mi wat to do ? show mi da way??
oh my,decisions suxs..
CANT make decisions for NUTS..
a damn bad confession =.=


Saturday, January 12, 2008
10:37 AM

OMG..my classroom is like so small n hot!!
i cant stop complainin man! compared to da 2big 1s last yr..
worse thn chicken crop ah! whn it hits abt 11 onwards,its like hot n sleepy..
oh wells ..NVM =)

ston-ed thru tuition coz i was runnin a fever n sorethroat =.=
haiz..slpt yest at abt 7 till tis morning..i did wake up at intervals thou..

little arising thoughts that comes thru...........

i guess its good or rather relieving that i dun hav to think or try to rehearse wat i wana say to u always whenever i see u ..
i guess..i dun reli feel natural..forced perhaps..
i tink..nth will come out of da forced situation

if u cant attempt to change yourself, wat for wana try change others?
dun try n act smart if yr not..
take it or leave it..
but if u leave,dun complain or regret anymre..

i always say i cant stand u2..but perhaps im reli jealous?
ahh tts wat angie says..hmm..
i duno,dun tink so ..
but i still tink ..ur weird man!


Thursday, January 10, 2008
9:02 PM

yest finale was hot man! i was da flag bearer..
but its a 1nite thingy la..so yup..
went off w some of da class ppl to eat ..
omg..hoarse liao still prata ?!!
i had half but went to eat noodle..
they tot we went smoking???

TOday had kinda a feeling tt i dun wan to b in j1 man! but ..its for my own good..
was feeling blueeEE!!

MR tong da cute co form asked whether if he put greater expectations on mi n ANN is it alrite..
i said okay..haiz =(
saw jiao lian..
forgotten abt da exact conversation..
she say cant put mi in team..lalala
ask mi go fly kite..dun nd train w them la...
happy come not happy dun come...
ask mi find other cca..
if reli want thn 2nd intake come in..
i onli nv come 5 trainings la.. =(

haiz..this is shit..
had a row w mum..
tot she is at specs shop waitin..
soo i cut short gym time w lest..
she s like not ere..n my bros w crapping..
borrowed money frm lest but was not enuf,
ownin shop 47bucks -.-
back home was shouted like free..
n i retailated..
was damn bad..
i shldnt hav..
but nvm =(

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
9:57 PM

met up with my new class..1T34..
last class again -.- in da sense last order frm 1-34..haiz..
i pon-ed da front n high jacked da canteen again..
like always,first day is like ...... jus like da dot dot dot..
missed IG 28? coz? HAHA..

good bye to nigel n yahui,
hello to jon n kim..
to kim who always tekan mi like mass dance?
walk frm far east to PS with kat mag cheng n qing..
damn NEAR man!!
i ps them after awhile..



da 4 'belles' frm 28 r always like shootin mi =.= sadden!HAHA
station games...thn HEAVY HEAVY rain ...
dragon boat-ed in a weak sun..
i was like prayin n praying MR SUN =D
but sun was like covered,jus so like after rains -.-

went back sch w a wet butt jus like last yr..
bonding w class was rather alrite..
HAHA..but i still tink da PA was still da best for BONDS man!

after sch IG dinner..no time for movie..
like duh..NO no NO !!HAH..
went to get a gym ball as present for qing w da gals..
omg we re like ..ppl keep lookin at us whn we draw on da ball..
a italian wrote happy bd on it too la..

bot a damn crazy crocro tt bites ?!
damn lame cheng n kat asked mi to la..
hmm i was like hot reddish n warm suddenly durin dinner..
i duno y? oh my..
THKS donna n jeanne for gettin mi da ALOE Lotion man!
i guess it helps la..

many random pics..omg..
hmm till thn =D

Saturday, January 5, 2008
10:10 PM

hmm..cj orientation shld be da dirtiest n kinda longest among all..
i wld wana see how many retainees can be in 1 class man! so far i noe got 4 takin my combi..HAHA.. dumb sch..

last lesson of swimmin training..
was preached da most by coach today..
coz i didnt do my theory n study again!
omg..exam s on 27jan la..
end of w 5plunges,3straddle..LOL..

Being preached abt da dangers of contacts..
changed to daily
and made a new pair of specs..

HAHA..long time nv gym..hmm..

my teeth s going crocked!! coz i nv wear my retainers till in da nite, everyday.. -.-
which im suppose to be on 24/7.. 24/7? LOL

till thn=D

Friday, January 4, 2008
10:41 PM

day 3 of orientation ended today with a blast..
dance,talk n stuffs..

i realised retainees is not about being aloof and acting as if nth matters to u..
if yr IG is zai enuf,i guess it makes it all..

1st day i was abit sian sian..
2nd..i poned abit..
today...all in..

28 is quite tight=D
we got a bunch of screaming gals..
a sugar high cat..

i will post pics soon SOON!!

10:34 PM

2008- 新的开始,新的希望
2007- A living memory that will always be in my mind
to learn my shortfalls
and never fall into the pit again.


Taking a glimpse and never dwell on it again..
Pretty much highs and lows..

party n chalet 也多去了。

People in and out of your life an imprint in yr heart somehow..
Things happening in a blast..studies given v litte attention..
Failed once,twice,thrice..and non stop..
I swear its da worst academic year I had man!!


From kinda a arts section to a sport area,is certainly mentally and physically draining..
Band,prefects- basketball..

there are both sides of a coin..
it jus depends on how u see it…
u can take the positive side or da negative side
n reap separate results..
tt was wat many say..HAHA..

365 天很快就过了。
730 天后就完了。
听梁静茹-为我好, 会哭啊??